Wednesday, June 10, 2009

My first time on stage

Aloha everyone this is Cameron. This summer I auditioned for a play. I am in a play called "Alice in Wonderland." I am in the ensemble. The ensemble is the extra parts without names. The parts I have so far are a starfish an extra flower and a four person bug.
The first day of auditions was very fun. We sang a couple of songs on the first day. On the second day we read lines. - and we did that again on the third day. Rehearsals are fun but the worst thing about rehearsals is the kid drama. I wish some of these children would act more mature. Rehearsals are fun, too. We started choreographing the song "I'm late". The dancing is really cute. We've now gone through 78 pages of the script in just 8 days. Wow - that's a lot .
The dates of my play are: June 23rd and 24th at 7:00. Come see it if you can.

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