This is Ryan. I am staying busy. I just finished another school play and I also play in the band. Thank goodness baseball is now over. This happened just in time for me to start my second season of WRESTLING. So far this year I have won both of my matches. I pinned both guys I wrestled and they were both bigger than me.
I was going to upload a clip of the latest Jr. High Band concert - but it was kind of long. I thought you might want to see a video of my last wrestling matches. The video contains both right after the first. The first one is pretty short because I beat the guy pretty quick. The second match starts at the 1:39 mark of the video and it is a little longer - but if you look quick at the 2:54 mark of the video you can see me try and psych the other guy out with my soon to be famous "bear" maneauver. This is where I raise my hands and aggresively move towards my opponent. I am trying to intimidate the other guy because he is bigger than me.
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Do you think I scared him? I wonder if I can patent this move.
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